Showing results for “Vatican”
What does this painting of Adam and Eve tell us about our role in creation? This ArtSpeaks explores the meaning behind Johan Wenzel Peter's painting of creation.
What can Paolo Veronese's painting on St. Helena teach us about prayer? This ArtSpeaks explores prayer as a gift, covenant, and communion.
On February 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostles. Why have a feast for a chair? This Artspeaks answers why.
While the fresco is probably the most recognized work of art and visually tells of Adam's creation, this ArtSpeaks will investigate the other persons in this image and it's massive implication in understanding creation.
This Fresco in the Vatican Palace reveals many recurring themes that have been taught and passed down through the ages such as The Communion of Saint, the origin of the Holy Spirit, the Real Presence, and the acceptance of mystery.
The fresco by Michaelangelo illustrates what will happen in what doctrine calls the Last Judgment when all of mankind will be judged according to his works. The dead are being resurrected...
Catholics have a custom of building an altar on top of relics. It is a way of venerating the remains of someone who is believed to be with God. The main altar of Saint Peter's Basilica was built on top of St. Peter's tomb...
One of the four marks of the Church established by Christ is her universality. The Church is also thought of as a mother. Bernini uses architecture to express both of these ideas when he designed the Tuscan Colonnades that embrace St. Peter's Square...